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Renowned Indian-American Author Deepak Chopra May Buy Bitcoin

Deepak Chopra’s name is synonymous with meditation, mindfulness, and healing through healthy living. And according to the latest update, the world-renowned author and thought-leader is considering buying bitcoin. Mr. Chopra is also about to launch ‘Love in Action,’ his own blockchain-based token.

Deepak Chopra Officially Enters The Blockchain Space

It is important to note that Mr.Chopra had already stoked the ire of Ethereum bigwigs more than 2 years ago for being announced as a speaker at the Ethereal conference in New York in 2018. Vitalik Buterin himself blasted him as a ‘fraud’ publicly on Twitter. Nonetheless, the talk went well, as per Mr. Chopra.

Fast forward to 2020, the globally revered public speaker has announced his plans to officially launch his own token. Termed ‘Love in Action,’ its launch will coincide with Suicide Prevention Week. In the words of the Chopra Foundation, the token is a “worldwide campaign to heal the world.”

Deepak Chopra. Image: CNBC

When the ex-United States (FDIC) regulator turned blockchain regulation commentator Jason Bretts tapped Chopra for technical details about the token, the latter said:

We are currently working on our strategic roadmap for the ‘Love In Action’ token. Our goal is to leverage the ‘proof of state/work’ on the Hedera platform to incentivize healthy behaviors and promote wellbeing via the token. We will initially leverage hbar as the currency and convert to our own coin in the latter part of 2021.

Mr.Chopra Also Considers Buying Bitcoin

Taking cues from Mr.Chopra’s famous interview with Oprah Winfrey, Jason marveled at the idea of Deepak sending some bitcoin to the popular celebrity talk show host. He contemplated mass adoption being sparked by that one event alone, recalling his prime goal to convince the meditation guru to buy BTC.

When the Value Technology Foundation President finally asked Mr. Chopra about his bitcoin holdings, the latter replied:

I have not bought any Bitcoin to date, but have been keen on cryptocurrency and how it can be used.

The mind-body healing practitioner also said that he doesn’t own any hbars, the native token of the blockchain protocol, which will power his own DLT project.

Brett, in his article, notes that it is not necessarily for everyone to buy bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency for that matter. It can also be just about leveraging the underlying technology for social good, which in Mr. Chopra’s case, involves improving people’s mental well-being.

Lastly, the ex-ConsenSys Policy Ambassador appreciated Mr. Chopra’s efforts at utilizing blockchain to help people live better. He said:

To the degree blockchain can be used by mental health professionals – or any professional – to help validate the truth of a person’s certification or to validate a person’s well-being seems like an excellent use of it.

Featured image courtesy of CNBC

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